Understanding Your Water and Sewer Rates
This notice is being provided to inform our customers of a rate adjustment which will take effect January 1, 2024.
An increase of 9% will be applied to Soos Creek Water and Sewer District water utility rates. An increase of 6% will be applied to Soos Creek Water and Sewer District sewer utility rates.This increase will appear on bi-monthly bills beginning February 2024. A rate increase is necessary to support the ongoing operation and reliability of the public water and sewer systems, while keeping pace with increasing cost of materials and equipment. Rates help fund increasing costs for preventative maintenance, regulatory requirements and operations.
This rate increase equates to an average additional $2.36 per month on water bills and $1.38 per month on sewer bills for residential customers. See https://www.sooscreek.com/utility-rates-2024 for a complete summary of rates and fees.
We strive to keep our rates low while providing clean, safe and reliable water and sewer service. King County Wastewater Treatment Division has also increased their rates for 2024. The King County Council approved a 5.75% sewer rate increase which will raise the King County Wastewater Treatment portion of your sewer bill starting January 1, 2024.
What Your Utility Rates Are Used For
The District is responsible for maintaining and performing necessary upgrades to approximately 222 miles of water lines, and 488 miles of sewer lines and related facilities. Utility rate revenue covers our ongoing expenses in operating, maintaining, and upgrading our water and sewer systems. These systems deliver your clean drinking water, provide essential fire protection services, and convey wastewater from your home or business.
Qualifying for Reduced Rates
Customers who are 65 years of age or older, or are permanently disabled, and have a total household income equal to or less than $45,300 may qualify for reduced rates. Information regarding qualifying for reduced rates can be found on our website here: Rate Reduction