Completed Projects

S 218th STREET AC MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT s-218th-completed.jpg

Ahead of the City of Kent’s upcoming roadway and utility project, the District replaced water mains on 98th Ave S from S 218th Street to S 216th Street. The old mains were undersized based on current codes and regulations, and some were installed in the early 1960s. The District’s Contractor, Blue Mountain Construction Group, LLC has successfully replaced approximately 830 feet of existing water main, associated fire hydrants, valves and service lines from the new main to the water meters. Road surfaces have been patched and the City of Kent’s improvement project will fully restore the roadway once their work is complete. 

Project outcomes:

  • Reduced leaks and line breaks
  • Enhanced water quality
  • Improved water service reliability
  • Improved fire protection


The District’s contractor has wrapped up construction in the Boulevard Lane neighborhood.web_062821_scwsd_boulevard-lanes-and-147th-ave-se-area_construction-wraps-up.jpg As part of the District’s annual AC water main replacement program, more than 2.2 miles of aging and undersized mains were replaced. The mains (installed between 1965 and 1970) due to their age and to meet current codes/regulations.
Along with the new water main, the project replaced fire hydrants, valves, and water service lines from the new main to the water meter.
In addition, for cost savings and due to numerous main breaks, an area along 147th Avenue SE was added as part of the project. Approximately one-quarter mile of water mains and appurtenances were replaced in that neighborhood as well.

Project outcomes:

  • Added reliability of water service
  • Improved fire flow
  • Reduced maintenance costs