Salmon Recovery

Did you know?

The water that people use indoors and outdoors to drink, cook, clean, wash, and garden is the same water that salmon need in rivers and streams to survive. With three northwest salmon species (Chinook Salmon, Steelhead Trout, and Bull Trout) listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as threatened or endangered, the need to conserve water is greater than ever.

What is ESA?

The Endangered Species Act is a federal law passed in 1973 that makes it illegal for anyone to possess, harm or kill a protected species.

How can water conservation help save fish?

All our water comes from the same place. The more people use or waste, the less there is for fish in the rivers and streams. Fish are especially vulnerable during the summer and early fall when stream flows in our region reach their lowest points of the year--and when we are using more water for our gardens and lawns. By conserving water (using less), we can help ensure there is enough in our streams and rivers for fish and other wildlife.

To learn more about salmon recovery visit the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office or the Salmon Information Center.